Figurative Language Versus Literal Language

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Figurative language versus Literal Language Terra Bradley PHI 210 Critical Thinking Professor Michael Volpe 10 September 2012 Figurative language versus Literal Language In this report I will define the meaning and function of the terms idiom, analogy, metaphor, simile, cliché, amphiboly, “flame word”, hyperbole, euphemism and colloquialism. I will provide an example for each term. I will also describe the appropriate circumstances for using the example for each term and when it might lead to misunderstanding. Idiom Idiom is a figurative expression. The expressions are separate from the literal or the definitions of the words of which it is made. Examples are “keeping my head above water”; “pulling your own weight and “feeling under the weather”. I think idioms are used a lot to really “paint the picture” of what we are saying. Idioms could be misleading for example to a person who doesn’t know the English language. They might take the words that we say and think we mean the things literally. A person not knowing could think from my examples that keeping your head above water meant a person in the water staying afloat; pulling your weight to a person actually pulling weights that equaled their weight or painting a picture as a person actually using a canvas to physically paint a picture. Analogy Analogy is an inference or an argument from one thing to another. Analogy can also be defined as the relation between the source and the subject itself. Analogies are figurative in speaking. Examples of analogies are painting is to a painter as water is to a paint; captain to his or her ship is like the leader to his or her tribe; a fish is to swimming as a bird is to flying. I personally tend to use analogies in a lot of my fun debates with friends. To me it is like the foot stomp to your argument; it makes the

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