Fi 515 Multiple Choice Questions and Answer's

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1. Without the participation of financial intermediaries in financial market transactions, (Points: 6) information and transaction costs would be lower transaction costs would be higher but information costs would be unchanged information costs would be higher but transaction costs would be unchanged information and transaction costs would be higher 2. _____ securities have a maturity of one year or less; _____ securities are generally more liquid. (Points: 6) Money market; capital market Money market; money market Capital market; money market Capital market; capital market 3. The equilibrium interest rate (Points: 6) equates the aggregate demand for funds with the aggregate supply of loanable funds. equates the elasticity of the aggregate demand and supply for loanable funds. decreases as the aggregate supply of loanable funds decreases. increases as the aggregate demand for loanable funds decreases. 4. Assume that foreign investors who have invested in U.S. securities decide to increase their holdings of U.S. securities. This should cause the supply of loanable funds in the United States to _____ and should place ______ pressure on U.S. interest rates. (Points: 6) decrease; upward decrease; downward increase; downward increase; upward 5. If investors shift funds from stocks into bank deposits, this ______ the supply of loanable funds, and places ______ pressure on interest rates. (Points: 6) increases; upward increases; downward decreases; downward decreases; upward 6. If a security can easily be converted to cash without a loss in value, it (Points: 6) is liquid. has a high after tax yield. has high default risk.
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