Fetal Pig Disection

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Fetal Pig Dissection Purpose: To observe mammalian organ systems. Procedures: 1. We first made a superficial incision down the median, starting from the trachea through the thoracic and abdominal cavities, and ending at the umbilical. 2. Once we reached the umbilical we made an inferior incision on both sides of the umbilical and hypogastric regions. 3. Then we made a lateral cut up the brachial and antibrachial areas and around the carpal region on each limb. 4. After we made our incisions we used our probe to skin the pig and expose the muscles. 5. When the muscles were exposed we made a deep incision through the thoratic and abdominal cavities, then we cut around the umbilical and genital regions. 6. In order to expose the internal organs we had to break the ribs and cut through the connective tissues. 7. Once the organs were exposed we turned the pig dorsal side up and made a superficial incision from the occipital to the cephalic regions and used the probe to peel the skin back. 8. After that, we broke the skull to expose the membranes, the dura mater, the pia mater, and the 9. Then we cut through the three membranes to expose the brain. Data: The big, brown organ that occupies most of the abdominal cavity is the liver. Under the liver is the gall bladder, it is small, round, and green and is located on the right side of the pig. The stomach is also underneath the liver on the left side of the abdominal cavity and looks like a light brown, deflated balloon. The esophagus goes through the diaphragm to the stomach and looks like a long, skinny tube. The diaphragm is the thin, brown muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Inferior to the stomach is the small intestine, which looks like a long tangled coil. The mesentery is the tissue that holds the small intestine in place. The small intestine then

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