Female Circumcision Essay

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In the western civilization when we prepare for womanhood or marriage, the words female circumcision and female mutilation are not heard of. Some people have never even heard of a practice of female circumcision, female genital mutilation, or female genital cutting. Let’s start with the definition of Female Genital Cutting; is the partial or total cutting away of the female external female genitalia (Guttmacher, 1997). It has been practiced for centuries in Africa, Egypt and Sudan just to name a few. According to Guttmcaher Institute, FGC is currently practiced in at least 28 countries. It occurs among Muslims, Christians, animists, and one Jewish sect. However, it is not required of any religion. This practice is often preformed in unsanitary conditions, by person with no formal training, often performed by the by the elder village woman. These people usually have little or no knowledge of medicine or human anatomy. FGC is often performed on infants, girls and women. The ages at which FGC occurs varies from country to country. According to womenshealth.org, most often genital cutting is performed in the first two weeks of an infant girl’s life. Also it mostly happens before a girl reaches puberty. Sometimes it is also done just before marriage or pregnancy. Although there are a variety of reasons that FGC is performed to include social and economic status, the parent’s choice to have FGC done to ensure that the daughter marries and protects the family name. It can be performed to limit sexual activity and ensure her virginity. Womenshealth.org says it is estimated that between 100 million and 140 million girls and women worldwide have received FGC. According to Frances Althaus, there are three types of circumcision; Clitoridectomy, Excision, and Infibulations. Clitoridectomy is when part of or the entire clitoris is removed. This practice seems to be the most

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