Fbla Essay

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Serving FBLA for the past 2 years as an officer for FBLA has allowed to me to experience many things I will need in my future as a potential business leader. I have learned to be a leader and become more responsible, and timely with my tasks. I have reinforced my communication skills through the many events, where I have met new people and left my comfort zone. I have also gained confidence in myself. Last year, I did not choose to compete at state even though I had placed at section because I was lacking the confidence. But this year, with the support of my fellow officers I have competed at state and experienced something that I will never forget. I do not limit myself and attempt all that I can, thanks to FBLA. A secretary handles correspondence between departments and to and from outside organizations. A secretary maintains records on computer spreadsheets, does word processing tasks and arranges meeting times and places for staff and clients. If elected as secretary I would take notes during meetings, communicate with the other sections all in a timely manner, and assist in completing any paperwork necessary. Currently, as a Leadership Associate I strive to actively participate in all our events and attend all our meetings, and perform my duties. As freshman, Justin and Tiffany and I do not have many responsibilities but we are learning what must be done to maintain a strong chapter. I am the best candidate for secretary because of my experience, determination, and dedication to FBLA. As the 2014-2015 secretary I will strive to make the West Ranch chapter more united and organized, which is essential for
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