Favorite Memories Essay

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My absolute favorite memory is from when I was maybe 3 years old. My brothers and dad had just left for school and it was a beautiful spring morning. I can remember the air smelling like fresh cut grass and the sun shining brightly. It was already very warm, just a perfect day. My mom was holding my little brother, he was only a few months old and we were sitting on the front porch. My mom had given me a bubble maker and I was blowing bubbles for my little brother and he was gurgling and laughing. I remember feeling so safe, secure and utterly content. Another favorite memory of my dad is him and I going to the library together every Saturday morning. This was our alone time. We were the only ones (at the time) who loved reading and this was our way of connecting. Still is. I also remember the hours upon hours he spent in the motorboat taking us kids and all our friends waterskiing at the cottage. My oldest brother has always been kind of high strung and I've got tons of memories but I'll share a funny one. When he was 15 or so my family took went on a camping trip. One evening while eating dinner, my oldest brother was inhaling his food when all of a sudden he sits up straight, turns to my younger brother (the most easy going fellow in the world) and yells, "Did a bird just take a crap on my back?" My younger brother casually leans back, takes a look and says, "Yep," and continues to eat. My oldest brother loses it and screams, "Well wipe it off!" By this time we were all killing ourselves laughing which only made him madder and the madder he got the funnier it was. Finally Mom came to his rescue but he didn't speak to any of us for the rest of the evening. One of my early memories of my younger brother is of him and I outside together in winter sticking our tongues on the back screen door and pulling if off before it got

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