Favorite Holiday Essay

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My Favorite Holiday Imagine having a day just to reflect on the past year. Sitting alone just thinking of what mistakes you made the past year, and what you can do better next year. Yom Kippur, or The Day of Atonement, is a holiday that is just that. It is a day where Jews all around the world fast, and reflect on their lives. Yom Kippur is my favorite holiday because it gives me the chance to reflect on my actions of the past year and think of changes I can make for the upcoming year. Yom Kippur is not a happy holiday, since it commemorates sad times in Jewish history. Fasting is one part of the Yom Kippur tradition, but fasting is no fun. By mid-morning on Yom Kippur, I think back to the pre-fast meal and bitterly regret not eating that extra chicken leg. As the day goes on, I begin to glance at the clock every few minutes, desperately anticipating the breaking of the fast. I may be holding a prayer book in my hand, but all I see is a menu in front of my eyes. Fasting is a big part of Yom Kippur, but it is not the only part. Another part of Yom Kippur is thinking back to the previous year. I like to spend this holiday alone, and just think back in to my past. Was I mean to my sister? Did I try my best in school? How did I act towards my family? I ask myself questions like these and come up with solutions on how to be a better person in the future. No other holiday is as meaningful as Yom Kippur; it gives you the chance to think about you, unlike any other holiday. Everybody has their favorite holiday, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Valentine’s Day, etc. However, no holiday has more powerful purpose than Yom Kippur. Even though most of the population of the world is not Jewish, everyone should have a day just to do nothing but think back and make yourself as wonderful as you can. I love many holidays, but Yom Kippur is my favorite because it gives

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