Fast Food Nation

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" Pleasures of Eating" "The Pleasures of Eating" by Wendell Berry is a essay written in 1989 with the intent to answer the question of "What can city people do?" Berry proposes that we can all " eat responsibly." But when digging for more information Berry talks about the politics and ethics as well as the esthetics of food. Although written in 1989 the majority of Berry's arguments are still relevant today. The Fast Food industry has been a hot button topic especially of late. Berry goes on to talk about the problem of our need for convenience and the role that plays with the farmers. By growing more depended on prepared items the consumer loses track of how the food made it to their plates. Not knowing the tedious and painstaking work that goes into farming, the consumer does not fully appreciate what it took to get that food there Berry suggests. Berry also mentions with most of the food process being automated and commercialized the food products of the day are missing the care and love of the farmers as well as a attention to the detail. Berry best describes it as " One will find the obliviousness represented in virgin purity in the advertisements of the food industry, in which food wears as much makeup as the actors." Along the same lines, Wendell talks about wanting to know if the steak he eats is from a cow that was taking care of and treated humanly verses standing in a box its whole life in dirty conditions. One of Berry's problems with this is he thinks that people eat whatever is put in front of them no questions asked. Asking just a few simple questions about the products would also help improve the relationships between the consumers and the farmers Berry states. Berry is not only just attacking the commercial food industry, he also offers some suggestions on how the city folk can help everyone out. By utilizing what space city

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