Fast Food: a Road Towards Obesity

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RESEARCH PROJECT PLAN RESEARCH TOPIC: FAST FOOD: A ROAD TOWARDS OBESITY Specific Aims Obesity has become the most common sickness that posts danger for almost all people’s health. There are many causes for this. One of the most common is the continuous patronage to fast foods. This research aims to answer the following questions: 1. Is it really the fast food restaurants to be blamed for the continuous population growth of those who become victims of obesity? 2. Are we getting far in putting the blame? 3. When is it individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place the blame? Here are the following assumptions for this study: 1. The fast food restaurants share the blame for the increases in population of obese people. 2. We, as individuals, have the most blame for being obese. The purpose of this study is to determine the connection of foods with the cases of obese people. This study is also formulated to determine up to what extent we can put the blame on fast food restaurants to obesity. Background and Significance The study aims to determine the effects of fast foods to being obese of a person. It will also answer the questions such as the blame and the responsibilities of fast food to societies and knowing our responsibilities to our own health and personal development. This study is important because of the continuous increase of the people who became obese because of patronizing the fast foods and the improper lifestyles that most of us have. According to WHO, among the 1 billion overweight, almost 300 million adults are considered obese, even without counting the children. One of the reasons is improper diet. People tend to eat more energy-dense but nutrient-poor foods with high level of sugar and saturated fats, something fast food restaurants offer the most. With the fast-paced lifestyle we have, fast food

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