Family Life Can Create Considerable Stress

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Example Essay Family life can create considerable stress Family life has many challenges. As stress is one of the main challenges most families face. Various situations can contribute to stress. A considerable amount of stress can cause families to slowly fall apart. I would like to discuss a few things that I’ve discovered to create family stress; finances, children and work. With today’s economy finances are a huge factor in family stress. Many people are pinching pennies to be able to provide for their family. In doing this, a lot of unneeded things are being cut from people’s everyday lives. Shopping, eating out and entertainment are some things people have to scale back on just to stay afloat. As companies are closing because of the slow economy people are losing their jobs or have to take reductions in pay. Money is something everyone needs to survive in this world. You have to spare as much as you possible can to support your household. When there’s no money you can’t provide food for your family or pay bills. Families are being put out of their homes and having to live with relatives or in shelters. Money has been known to be the root of all evil. It can divide families and friendships, as people sometimes turn their backs on you. At a time when your hardship as already strained you, your family also suffers. Children are also a major stress source. As parents when children are born you never think that this wonderful blessing will create any problems that create stress for neither you nor your family. Children grow up we soon find out. They build friendships and relationships, which we have no, choose over. Friendships with the wrong people can lead to destruction for our children. They may start hanging out late, getting in trouble or some even choose a life of crime. You worry as you know none of these things you taught your child to do.
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