Family Diversity Essay

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FAMILY: Sociological Perspectives 1. Functionalist Perspective Functionalists analyze the contribution that the family institution makes to maintain the system in equilibrium. The family is a functional prerequisite. The institution of the family performs some important functions both to the individual and to the society. When performing these functions the family contributes to stability and social cohesion. Murdock claims that the family performs 4 basic functions: satisfaction of sex needs, procreation, meeting the economic needs of members and socialization. These functions are also universal, that all social units called family perform them. While performing these functions the family is contributing to achieve social stability. For instance if a child is properly socialized, s(he) is likely to become a conforming member; when procreating children, the family is both providing an acceptable framework to satisfy sex needs and also ensuring the survival of society. Parsons argues that the family performs 2 main functions: primary socialization and stabilization of adult personality. Children start to internalize norms and values within the family. Personality is shaped. It is the family which gives the child an identity. The latter is prepared to become a responsible member of society. In addition, Parsons claim that in the modern industrial society which is highly competitive and materialistic, personality is very often under stress. A strained personality can be the source of many social problems. The family helps to bring and keep personality in equilibrium by providing a ‘comfortable’, caring, loving and supportive environment. The family is a source of emotional support and security. It becomes a ‘safety valve’ to help removing stress accumulated in the individual. In so doing, personality is stabilized and equilibrium is restored.
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