Factors to Take Into Count at Language Learning and Acquisition

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FACTORS TO TAKE INTO COUNT AT LANGUAGE LEARNING AND ACQUISITION By Yohom Fredy Sánchez Hernández – VI Semester Night There have been a great number of researches that have been done to investigate the many factors that must be taken into count at the second language acquisition process of cognitive development, socio-economic and cultural background; the ability to acquire a language, age and learner’s motivation can be expressed as the factors affecting second language acquisition. It is believed that learners have several factors which lead to more or less successful language learning, factors such as: aptitude, personality, learner preference (styles), age of acquisition; to talk about age in learning a second language is a controversial issue because for years, the correlation between age and language acquisition has been studied and debated. Aptitude in general is a talent. Aptitude can be considered as a talent in one individual because it is a competency to do something. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to achievement, which represents knowledge or ability that is gained. In short, aptitude means an inherent capacity, talent or ability to do something. It is like having a high aptitude for something means will show how well or good a person doing that something. Contrastive, in a foreign or second language acquisition, aptitude actually refers to the prediction of how well an individual can learn the second language in given time and conditions. It means that aptitude was not used to determine the learners’ success or failure in learning the target language but explain why there are some learner can learn faster than the others. Motivation and attitudes (Lett & O’Mara, 1990) refers to the learner’s attitudes towards L2 learning and how desire they are to achieve the goal of learning the language. As a

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