Factors That Impact Academic Achievment

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Most human beings by nature tend to accomplish or achieve something in their lives that will make them proud about their selves, and if they do not, and if they dont em proud about theirselves, achieve something in their lives, they will either feel lost or have low self-esteem until achieving something valuable. There are uncountable types of achievements in life that differ in value and weight for a human from one to another such as; sport achievement port achievment ight from person to person such;; until achieving something., getting married, joining the army…etc. Academic achievement is considered one of the most important factors that bring success to students’ life. What is academic achievement? It is something you achieve at school, college or university - in class, in a laboratory, library or fieldwork. An academic achievement, such as graduating first in one's class, is sometimes a purely quantitative matter, while having the findings of lengthy, comprehensive research published by a recognized journal is also a notable academic achievement. Being named head/chairman of a particular department at a university is both a professional and an academic achievement. This essay will discuss some of the factors that affect academic achievement, and provide some researches based on legal search Out of all the factors that affect academic achievement, class size has been considered one of the most interesting factors, however this issue hasn’t been proved by research but it can improve academic performance since fewer students in class cause less noise, participate more often in class, show extra appreciation for each other and behavioral problems could be identified easier and resolved faster (Ronald G. et al, 2001). This even enhances the teacher-student relationship; teachers will have more time to observe students during tasks in
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