Factors of Character Building

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"Character building" is a development involving experiences which teach people some lessons on life. Many character building experiences hurt and may contain a "significant emotional experience". Of course, that means that even if a mistake happens, it can teach people lessons on what went wrong and how it can be avoided in the future. It may be difficult, but that is part of life. There are factors that help with “character building”; each with lessons on different parts of life. Three of them are truly factors of great importance; they are respect, honor, and responsibility. Each of these factors help build character in different ways, and are very useful in life. Respect is a factor that teaches people to treat others nicely, as well as themselves. People who show respect are seen following the Golden Rule or displaying good manners. Being considerate of others and their feelings is a way to show respect, but in a society of stubborn people, it’s been done rarely. When someone shows respect, acceptance is also required so people will know that he or she is comfortable with who he/she is. Therefore, People get no respect if they show no respect to others. Honor is a factor that helps build character by teaching people to be equals with each other, despite any difference. This is shown in sportsmanship when players play fair in games like football or soccer. Japanese warriors also have honor in the form of Bushido, the Japanese code of honor. People can have honor even when they treat each other with equality. Most importantly, people should never take advantage of each other. Doing so would show dishonor and bring shame to them. Responsibility is a factor that truly teaches people of the liability of their own actions and duties. This is really the most important factor for building character. Without responsibility, people would be selfish and would only
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