Factors Influencing a Child Cognitive Theory

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Introduction Young children especially the aged from 3-7 years old can be affected by three factors which are social, economic and environmental which can occur in a positive or negative ways. Because children from this very young age are very vulnerable, adults take them for granted. Factors affecting a 5 years old child’s to loss. Young Children grieves when a parent dies or goes away, parents separate, family breaks up, loss a friend or pet, loss of culture and homeland when moving to a new country, moving house or changing schools, long periods of separation from a parent or being in a hospital. When these incidents occur, children don’t really understand what is happening nor recognizing what is real and what is not real. They may actually believe that their own wishes caused the person to go away. It is much more a major trauma to young children when they lose someone who cares for them a lot which therefore takes time and care to overcome the trauma. Most young children are not like adults that express their feelings at a time of loss, usually the child becomes anxious, having mental and social difficulties, whiny, clingy, withdrawn, subdued and regressive behaviours. There are developmental considerations like beginnings of concrete reasoning and magical thinking. Children’s belief at a time of loss is only temporary or adjustable like for example with death. (If I wish hard enough I can change about what has happened.) In this aged as well children begin to understand that there’s some loss like death that cannot be adjust nor return. Other children may feel responsible for the loss and think that it is their fault because they were naughty. More developmental factors that may influence the child’s loss like personality and temperament of the child which means each child has their own styles of functioning and coping and sometimes other child cope quicker

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