Factors Affecting Performance

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PDHPE Task 2: Factors Affecting Performance Research Task Question 1: Prepare and explain a flow chart that represents the chain of events in the production and use of anaerobic and aerobic energy. While performing exercise, our muscle cells require energy to enable them to contract during movement. The source of this energy comes from the foods we consume such as carbohydrates, fats and protein. These foods must be broken down and stored in a compound called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) so they can become compatible for transference of energy to muscle cells. ATP compounds in our body however are limited and we do not contain enough of what is needed to supply energy for sustained activity therefore ATP needs to be resynthesized after use so it can continue to provide energy. There are three systems within our body that use different process to resynthesize ATP. What system is used will be determined by the intensity and duration of activity placed on the body. The three Energy systems are: * The alactacid system (ATP/PC system) * The lactic acid system (glycolytic system) * The aerobic system (oxygen system) These systems can also be placed into two groups, the anaerobic systems and the aerobic system. The alactacid and lactic acid system are both called anaerobic pathways because they do not require oxygen for the resynthesize of ATP. The time frame in which these systems operate occurs before oxygen has the time to be transported through our bloodstream from our lungs to our working muscles. The aerobic system is oxygen system as the ATP produced in this system relies on the availability of sufficient oxygen in the cells. Below is a diagram to display this. Alactacid System (ATP/PC) The Alactacid system provides the majority of energy when bursts of high speed or intensity are performed on our body during the first 10-12
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