Face to Face Learning vs M-Learning

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Face-to-face or online learning? We are in a techno-century as it has been called, as each and every one of us has used technology somehow, Now it's used for teaching and some people think it's useful and is better than the traditional face-to-face classroom learning, but on the other hand there are people who are against it, there is one way to find out who's right and that's if you continue reading to discover the advantages and disadvantages. The face-to-face has a lot of benefits such as having some sense of leadership for the teacher; he will have the ability to control the student, and to make him pay attention as in the online teaching the instructor cannot have that leadership feeling he can have in the face-to-face classroom and the learners can easily ignore their instructor, also the face-to-face atmosphere can benefit the students more because of having the strong physical connection that will enable the students to create mind maps that will make the process of studying easier to them, on the other hand the online learning doesn't contain any physical connection but the text, the online learning can be effected by a lot of things such as the quality of the software used in the process and the effect of the technology (hardware) in the student's and the teacher's hand. The online learning can give the instructor specific details on each and every student the instructor has to track his/her marks, but the face-to-face teaching is less likely to give the specific details the online teaching offers more likely it will be more general. The online lesson doesn't require waiting students to arrive at the location, the online lesson can't be stopped by early leavers, but the traditional face-to-face requires waiting students to arrive at the location and it can be stopped by early leavers and can be interrupted by any external effect. One more
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