Eysenck's Three Traits

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H.J Eysenck (1967, 1982) developed a very influential model of personality. Based on the results of factor analyses of responses on personality questionnaires he identified three dimensions of personality: extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism. Two of these also form part of the "Big Five" model of personality (McCrae & Costa, 1985). Eysenck considered that psychological disorders were related to the extremes of personality. Extraversion Extraverts are sociable and active, they enjoy meeting people and going to parties. The original conception of extraversion linked it to arousal (Eysenck, 1967). Eysenck described extraverts as showing low levels of cortical arousal, while introverts were seen as over-aroused. Later explanations focussed on proposed differences in conditioning. Because of their higher arousal introverts were claimed to condition more readily and were therefore more socialised, more sensitive to social constraints. Gray (1981) reconceptualised the biological bases of extraversion and neuroticism as reflecting differences in sensitivity to reward and punishment. He argued that extraverts were more sensitive to reward, whereas introverts (especially neurotic introverts) are more sensitive to punishment Neuroticism Eysenck described neuroticism as reflecting differences in the intensity of emotional experience. As described above Gray (1981) argued that neuroticism was indicative of a higher sensitivity to punishment. Neuroticism is close to a number of other traits such as trait anxiety or negative emotionality. It might be expected that individuals high in neuroticism might be more likely to use drugs in order to reduce or avoid negative emotional states. Psychoticism The third of Eysenck's dimensions is a more recent addition and is less well defined than extraversion and neuroticism. Individuals high on psychoticism are
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