Extra-Curricular Activities Effects

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EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AFFECTS THE ACADEMIC STANDINGS OF STUDENTS By: Darleen Mitchell T. Francisco One of the parents' greatest achievements and immediate responsibility is to sent their children to school but sending them to school doesn't only mean to make them accademically active but also to make them socially active by joining and participating on ectra-curricular activities. Participating on extra-curricular activities contributes a lot and helps the child molds their social being. From preparatory to elementary to high school and even to college, school doesn't only for academic enhancements and purposes, it always includes extra-curricular activities. Students who participate in extracurricular activities generally benefit from the many opportunities afforded them. Benefits of participating in extracurricular activities included having better grades, having higher standardized test scores and higher educational attainment, attending school more regularly, and having higher a higher selfconcept. Participants in out-of-school activities often learned skills such as teamwork and leadership while decreasing the likelihood of alcohol use and illicit drug use and related problem behaviors. Those who participate in out-of-school activities often have higher grade point averages, a decrease in absenteeism, and an increased connectedness to the school. Music, parental involvement, sports - all of these have an influence on how children perform academically. The way children choose to spend their free time can affect their school performance; it is not simply traditional in-class instruction that impacts academic achievement. Students attending school who participates in some sort of organized activities which may include clubs, athletic opportunities, dance line or cheer teams, Scouts, drama or theater, youth

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