External Influences In Macbeth And Scrooge Are

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Explore the ways a central character is affected by external influences in the texts you have studied In both texts I have studied, ‘Macbeth’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’, both central characters are affected by a number of external influences, which in turn, lead’s them into drastic characteristic changes. What is meant by this, is that the plot and story of each texts, would not have unravelled if it wasn’t for these significant and controlling influence’s which caused, and put pressure and emotion, on these Characters. In my essay I will exploring the way’s these influences affected them. Starting off with Macbeth, just before he makes the final decision about whether he should go ahead with the murder, he states all the reasons ‘for’ and all the reasons ‘against’ performing the dreadful act. “Who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself” The ‘for’ reason are obviously outweighed by the ‘against’, which therefore leads the audience to believe he has come to his senses, and has decided not to go ahead with it! Even when Lady Macbeth enters the room, Macbeth does not hesitate into saying, “We will proceed no further in this business.” Lady Macbeth is a very masculine and ruthless woman, and will not let anyone get in the way of her! For instance, “I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn As you have done to this.” This implies that Lady Macbeth has a wicked mind, and a cold heart. To even speak about doing such a thing to her own baby, shows she is exceedingly heartless and so ambitious, as she would do something so horrendous just to get what she wants. As well unlike most women who dote on and are besotted by their babies, she has been stripped of these maternal instincts, which creates the impression she is the man figure in her and Macbeths
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