Extended Definition Essay

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Climax Climax is a literal and social term. It can be used for just about any occasion such as a sporting event, a movie, and yes the obvious a book or story. Therefore the word “Climax” has plenty of different meanings and can be defined in many ways. We say that climax is usually the turning point in books or stories. It could be when the character realizes that something is happening and goes to fight off or defend someone or something in order to restore peace. It can also be when the character itself realizes a change in his or her self. So, in many ways climax is a representation of the word change. Other cases that we can use climax is in situations such as live entertainment or events. Say there was a wedding in town the climax of the event may be when the bride and groom kiss, but for different people it could be when the bride throws the bouquet. The climax is wherever we may see the most excitement in a particular situation or event. Even sports have a climax in them such as when a player comes up with a clutch hit in baseball, or a buzzer beating shot for the win in basketball. Climax is a turning point within a game. So, whenever momentum switches between teams or there is a big play that was made it would be safe to assume that that would be in the climax of the game. According to the web or dictionary.com they would define climax as, “the most intense or highest point of an experience or of a series of events.” Which is right on the dot mostly on how I described it? It could also be defined as, “a decisive moment in a dramatic or other work.” With that it means how they come to the decision on what to do when there is a conflict between characters. We can grasp a climax out of almost any situation. May it be from weddings, to sporting events, and even from the usual, books. Climax is the excitement or change we can see or feel in any
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