Express Luxury Lines

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Empress Luxury Lines Strayer University MGT 500 Abstract Antonio Melendez is faced with a serious ethical and legal dilemma. All indications are that a supervisor and the CFO at the company Antonio works for, Empress Luxury Lines, are collaborating to commit insurance fraud. With that being said there will have to be some strategies developed that will address the situation at hand. Once there is a strategy identified there will have to be some pros and cons in each of the strategy. These pro and cons will have to be measured by risk and how it will effect the company. After the weight of the risk is measured the company will then need to decide on what strategy will be most beneficial and less risky. 1. Analyze the ethical dilemma faced by Antonio. In this case study Antonio work in the Empress Luxury Lines and he faced dilemma regarding the ethic in the work place. Kevin Pfeiffer works as a computer technician and his roles to estimated damage due to recent thunderstorm. Antonio requested a computer systems upgrade ever since he assumed his post two years ago. Phil Bailey, who was Kevin Pfeiffer’s supervisor, orders Kevin to reports the estimate of damage. Kevin reports about the $15,000 worth of damage so his supervisor and the chief financial officer both were unhappy with it. After that Phil Bradley called Kevin Pfeiffer to go back to work and haul all the underground wire and the systems prior to the arrival of the insurance adjustor. If Kevin perform this task than it would be damage of more than $500,000 which is beyond the actual estimate damage of $15,00.Kevin refused to perform the task and Matt called up to perform this task for them. Antonio faced dilemma such as what to do in this situation. He has mainly two choices such as a) to take a lawful action or b) compromise with person ethics. Antonio Melendez not feels any confident

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