Expository Essay: School Preparation

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Expository writing Some people feel that the public school system does not adequately prepare students for the real world. I do agree with this statement. I feel that schools should offer students more classes that give them insight into how to deal with many real life situations. The reason why I picked this topic was because students need to be more ready for the real world when their schooling is complete. Schools should teach students life skills needed for everyday life. Things such as managing and budgeting your money or how to buy a car or house that you can afford. Schools should start putting more job skills in classes like what Boces offers. Also, schools should have more college classes to see if college is really for you. They should make those classes in the schools eligible for everyone. Studying specific careers, jobs would help students preparing for their life after graduation. Obviously, a student who is well prepared and has proper knowledge about jobs condition will have more opportunities than the one who is unprepared. As a freshman in High School I believe that we should have life skills in today's academics. I take classes throughout the day and week and about half of them I don't ever see myself using in life. For math I take algebra, now please enlighten me as to when I am ever going to need to evaluate and graph and solve terms of x and other relevant algebra. Yes, there are some few select jobs that do require this but not many. I am 14 years old and I don't even know how to write a check. Nor do I even know how to pay taxes, balance a checkbook, pay bills and a mortgage, or how to properly manage money. These are things we should be working on. If we required public high schools to teach these life preparations and essential life skills then people wouldn't be in as much debt nor it would be a problem for people. The schools

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