Explaining Boundaries to Effective Communication

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Hi Tahira, I’m really looking forward to you coming and working with me on your placement. As this is your first placement I’m will be giving you some advice on what barriers to effective communication with a care user you will encounter regularly at the residential home. Here are the main ones that I frequently encounter with the residents: sensory deprivation, someone’s whose first language is not English and slang. Hopefully this email will help you if you encounter such barriers. Sensory deprivation is when someone cannot receive or pass on information because they have impairment to one or more of their senses, most commonly a visual or a hearing disability; such a barrier can affect communication because if the person is deaf he will not be able to understand what you are saying. This barrier causes the communication cycle to break down at the message being perceived stage. To overcome such a situation whilst talking with a person with such a disability when speaking make sure to form your words properly to give such a person an opportunity to lip read and speak loudly and clearly. Having a resident whose second language is English is a significant barrier to communication because whilst speaking with them they may not understand you if you speak using slang or a different dialect (when people use different words for everyday objects.) This breaks down communication at the point message decoded, as the person will not know how to break down what you are saying to make it more understandable to them. You can overcome this barrier by speaking less complicated words also using hand gestures as many cultures use the same hand gestures to communicate. For example if you are asking them if they want something to eat uses you hand to demonstrate eating. Using slang is barrier to communication because a service user you may be communicating with will not
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