Explain Three Different Approaches to Health Education

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In this unit I am going to explain three different approaches to promoting Health Education the three approaches I am going to explain are Mass Media, social marketing and two way Communication. Health education is usually defined as the process of giving information and advice of the knowledge and skills in order to change behaviour that affects health. Health educators come from a wide range of professions including teachers, socials, practice nurses, health visitors and leisure centre staff. Health education uses different approaches to promote health education. They use different ways such as social marketing like posters on busses and the marketing is based on the focusing on what people need help with and how to help them to stop their habits and also to help them know about the risks that they are putting themselves, in order to promote the health education criteria the authorities joined forces with big organisation like big super market managers and use the media networks in order to be able to pass information to the public of the illness and harm that can be caused and the risks that they can prevent by keeping safe and introducing a safer way of prevention. And indeed for all these to be possible the authorities need the support of the public and so they use social-economic to get the public involved and participate in the promotion of a local organisation and network for them but only by attaining the right training. There are many different ways of approaching promoting health education such as, planned campaigns and advertising. This has the advantage of targeting a wide target audience and may be tailored to meet specific objectives. Mass media can use many different approaches to promoting health education. Some of the ways you could promote health education is fear, some campaigns use fear to get the message across and for it to have effect such
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