Explain Natural Law Theory

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Explain Natural Law Theory (25 Marks) Natural law is based on a particular view about nature and the Universe. That view is that the Universe has a natural order that works to achieve an end or purpose. The order, direction and purpose are determined by a super natural power. Human beings are part of the natural world and so they too, have a purpose or nature. It is a nature that is in all human beings. Natural law is therefore about acting in such ways that we consistently move towards this purpose. A Greek philosopher called Aristotle thought that this end/purpose would result in fulfillment and what he called “eudaimonia.” However a philosopher who furthered Aristotle’s idea of natural law, Aquinas said that natural law was located in the activity of human reasoning. He thought that by applying reason to moral problems, we should find that we act consistently with the natural law. Such acts are deemed good acts, since they are in line with are true human nature and purpose. Aquinas thought that natural law was created by God to achieve an ultimate purpose, to be in fellowship with God and be perfect in the image of God. However Aquinas did not think that to be in the perfect image of God we only had to follow natural law alone but also eternal law and divine law. Eternal law meaning referring to the principles by which God governs the universe so we know/understand only partially. Also divine law, which refers to the Bible, which guides us in reaching our goal of perfection. However Aquinas also believe such perfection was not achievable in this but only after death. Aquinas then said that to achieve this goal of perfection we must follow the primary and secondary precepts. These precepts apply to all human beings without exception. The main one that underpins them all is “Act in such a way as to achieve good and avoid evil.” Furthermore Aquinas
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