Explain Natural Law Theory

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Explain natural law theory ‘All men by nature desire knowledge.’- Aristotle Natural law, the law of nature is any type of law that is inherited through nature and no human influence, and is the instincts that are given to us by God as he allows us to tap into a minute of his knowledge. This is why natural law is a universal law. Natural law consists of four main laws; Eternal law, Divine Law, Natural law and Human law. Eternal law is the mind of God which we cannot know, within this law contains the laws which govern the creation of the universe and cannot control the cycle of everything in existence. Although humans cannot fully understand the knowledge of eternal law we occasionally are allowed a glimpse of the reflection of it through scientific knowledge aspects of the natural world. This lets reflections out into divine law. Divine Law which the law of God is revealed to the people throughout the bible which Christians calls the ‘word of god’. Jesus Christ also brought Divine law as the son of god and gave teachings that he would be able to transmit to Christians through church to teach about law to people. Divine law is where we get a lot of our ‘natural laws’. Natural law is that everyone has a sense that ‘good is to be done and evil be avoided’ which some call human nature. It is what directs and influence our conscience that helps us act accordingly to God way with the minute knowledge that we are available to tap into to lead a good life. This affects the decision on what humans think is right or wrong. This helps us decide our human laws. Human’s laws are everyday rules that govern our lives, they are at one end which helps us decide our legal system and effects the society of the world that we live in right down to the ones that are used to warn people of little things for example ‘stay of the grass’ . The quote ‘good is to
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