Explain How Children's Development Can Be Infuenced by a Variety of Factors.

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3.2.1, 3.2.2, .3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.5.1 & 3.5.2. Explain how children’s development can be influenced by a variety of factors (both personal and external). Include details of transitions – what are they and how do they affect development. Evaluate the effect of having positive relationships during periods of transition. Children’s development is shaped by both what they are born with, personal (health, learning difficulties or disability) and external (what experiences they have, environment, home life etc). The main factor is learning disabilities or health problems. If a child has a common learning disability, like ADD/ADHD or Autism, then it will always be hard for that child to learn and develop the way they are suppose to. Health problems can slow a child's physical development. Children’s development is mapped out from conception, as their genes develop this will determine everything about them in the future, sometimes through pregnancy if the mother has picked up an illness, is a smoker or addicted to drugs or alcohol these can cause problems with the growth and development of a child. A child’s health is important and is made up by both, genetic make-up and their diet, environment and any stress that may occur. A child may have a blood disorder or asthma and this could determine how well they interact with other children as they might miss out on certain activities but it is the responsibility of the teacher/adult to make sure all children are included and children with any medical or health conditions don’t miss out where possible. Other factors like education, living environments, and family relationships can affect a child's learning development. Studies show that a lot of kids who come from a broken home or an abusive, neglectful, and/or low income home are normally behind in their learning development. And children who receive a poor education are also
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