Explain and Briefly Evaluate the View That All Young People Face Discrimination in the Uk

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One way young people face discrimination because of biology , young people are often channelled into stereotypical roles .This is usually presented through the family. For example parents may believe younger people are unable to work because they are still dependant on them. Young people don’t usually have a specific role within the family and as a consequence often do not hold any status .This can mean they are often discriminated in family decisions as they often will not have a say. This however can be argued as somewhat gender specific. Boys will often be given more responsibility and status as parents often want him to grow up and be the ‘ man of the house’ where as it can be said that girls are treated as dependant on parents and as if they are vulnerable and therefore need protection .So it’s not really true that all young people face this kind of just discriminated but instead that it is more gender specific. Another way young people are discriminated is through discrimination within the work place because of these pre-conceived stereotypes based around biological ideas that young people are unable to look after themselves and should be dependent on their parents. Youths are discriminated within the workplace through a lower average wage than people who are older this is specific to age which means people under 18 automatically are in a worse financial position than older people. Employers are more likely to keep younger people in lower positions within the company where bosses can use younger people and pay them the lowest amount possible meaning the most profit. This means that young people are unlikely to progress within the workplace due to this discrimination. This seems to have cultural relevance though because in other countries like Peru children as young as 5 have been convicted of murder and run street gangs , so it could be argued that these

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