Exegesis on Lk.7: 36-50

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Exegesis on Lk.7: 36-50 36 One of the Pharisees asked/desired him to eat with him, and he went into the Pharisee’s house and took his place at the table. In those days, it was honourable to invite a teacher for a supper especially when the teacher was from outside of the town. They were actually reclining instead of sitting shows that they were using couches not chairs which was a sign of a banquet probably arranged in the honour of a famous guest teacher (Keener 208). Jesus dining at Pharisees house was not very normal, because often He was with poor and needy or at synagogue. Pharisees often had a wrong intention when they approached Jesus, mostly to find fault with Him. Table and eating symbolises fellowship and association Jesus was available for all kinds of people Though Pharisees accused Jesus that He was a friend of tax collectors and sinners, drunkard and glutton (Luke 7:34), He did not hesitate to go to their house when they invited Him. This shows Jesus impartiality and willingness to go to everyone who invites Him irrespective of who they are (Luke 7:21). He associated with sinners and tax-collectors that were looked down by the Jews and He also accepted the request of a Pharisee who invited Him for dinner even after knowing that Pharisees always looked for an opportunity to accuse Jesus. 37 And there was a woman in the city who was a sinner; and when she learned that He was reclining at the table in the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster flask of perfume, Surprisingly the name of the woman was not mentioned in the passage but she was identified as a sinner. The word “sinner” may mean that she was a prostitute or possibly was a woman with a loose moral life or could be seeking something disgraceful (Keener 209). Keener says that Pharisees were considered to be rich and usually have a person at the door to check the visitors.
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