Examine the Relationship Between Gender and Religion

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Examine the relationship between gender and religion Within religion, there are clear gender differences which usually have a negative effect on woman. For example in some regions, woman are not allowed to become figures of religious authority and some women are not to show any parts of their bare skinm , whereas in other religions, women are able to dress as they please and progress to one day become figures of religious authority. Feminists argue that in religion there is evidence of oppression against women. They believe that that religion is patriarchal, and that men are believed to be superior to woman, woman are seen as too emotional to hold positions of responsibility and that it is natural for woman to take the main responsibly for child care. Feminists highlight ways in which religion oppresses and subordinates women Feminists say that sacred texts feature predominantly male gods and profits as well as being written and interpreted by men. Women in sacred texts are presented in a negative light. For example, Eve and sins she has caused. However, this ignores positive descriptions of women in the sacred texts such as the Virgin Mary. Also, there are often rules that do not allow woman to participate fully in religious rituals. For example, not being able to touch holy books when on menses or not being able to speak in the religious place. Woman can be given fewer rights than men and influence the way in which a nation is run. Many religions legitimate and regulate women’s traditional and domestic role. Religious organizations are also usually male dominated and prevent women from being in positions of leadership despite women having a higher attendance than men in religion. Karen Armstrong However argues that religion has not always been like this as there was a time when religion was very she woman centered, e.g mother goddesses, fertility cults and

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