Examine The Reasons For The Increase In Family Div

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Examine the reasons for the increase in family diversity in the last 40 years Britain is a multicultural society which consists of different family types and structures. There are many different types of families such as one-parent family, nuclear family, gay family, extended family and obviously we have households in our society. In this essay am going to explain why there is an increase in family diversity and household in the last 40 years. There has been an increase in single parent households from 1960 until now. People are more comfortable and confident to call for a divorce or an annulment. Divorce rates have increased significantly, this is a big explanation for the increase in single parent families and household in the U.K One reason for this is that religious orders are not as respected as they were in the early nineteen hundreds. The “stigma” of divorce is greatly reduced in society today prior to how it was in the early nineteen hundreds, so people no longer feel ashamed to be divorced. Also people now demand more from marriage and if it does not live up to the ideal they hold then they will get divorced and try again - this explains the growing number of remarriages. In the nineteen hundreds, women couldn’t live and depend on themselves to make ends meet; therefore it was compulsory and essential for women to be married as they depended on the man incomes. Women in those days were housewives; they stayed at home and looked after the children, while the men went out to work. Men were considered as the “bread winners” of the organisation. Dobash and Dabashes study on domestic violence also supports the fact that women depended on men. In their studies, the women were continually harassed and abused, however they still stuck with their husbands. The question was, why? One of the many reasons they did this was because they depended on the husbands

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