Eve'S Innocence In Paradise Lost

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God makes all things good. Therefore, God has good intentions as he makes the first humans, Adam and Eve. Now to blame one person for the fall of mankind does not seem right. It sounds irrational when someone takes a blame that he/she does not deserve. In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, it seems as though Eve causes humankind’s fall by eating from the tree of knowledge. However, a closer look at the text reveals that, in fact, Eve does not deserve the blame for falling into temptation. In John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost, Eve remains innocent and should not take the blame for mankind’s fall. For instance, in Paradise Lost, Eve should not receive blame for the fall of mankind because God does not create her with advanced intellectual capabilities. God decides to give Eve this fatal flaw, so the responsibility cannot fall directly on her. When she wakes up in the garden, she wanders around “with unexperienced thought” (IV.456-457). This lack of intelligence given to her by God becomes the reason that she falls into temptation. Also, as the couple relaxes in the garden, God sends Raphael to explain to them about Satan’s evil plan. God orders Raphael to, “as friend with friend, converse with Adam” (V.229-230). God gives specific instructions to speak with solely Adam, as Eve’s name does not get mentioned. This proves that God did not make Eve with an extravagance of learning ability, and He knows it. Despite her lack of knowledge, Eve does have some beneficial qualities. God blesses her with outstanding beauty and charm. However, as the epic poem goes on, we learn “how beauty is excelled by manly grace and wisdom” (IV.490-491). God blesses Adam with substantial amounts of wisdom compared to Eve. So she, unlike Adam, does not have a well developed brain capable of resisting the temptation of Satan. Eve does not get her own personal preference on

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