Every Generation Is Different

265 Words2 Pages
Every generation is different In this essay I shall evaluate how generation is different from the others. Some conflicts are realized for this difference. Family thinks that why our children do not think as theirs and their children think that why my family does not understand me. It is well known fact that, it is normal. My propose is to why our generation is quite different from our family’s generation in this essay and I want to explain that the difference according to several reasons. Computer is the one of important issue to apart us from our families. Computer makes us alone because it supplies interaction between us and it. Moreover computer games addicts gamers. Someone who play computer games do not want to be disturbed and want to alone. For another difference between us and our families is internet. Internet is a major invention in last decades. It makes easier to obtain knowledge. Thus, we do not need go to the library. Moreover, we get used to be alone, because it makes us asocial person. In addition these, a lot of social networks are founded such as facebook, twitter, msn. By using these social networks, people can easily contact their friends easily. Although it looks as improving our friendship, actually it does not. People used to obtain what they want easily, they do not want to endeavor anything, i.e., their relationships. To sum up, every generation is different from the others and it is very normal. The major cause to different us from our families is technology which I mentioned

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