Evaluation Instruments: Questionnaires, Observations and Documents

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Evaluation Instruments: Questionnaires, Observations and Documents Written by: KUNTUM TRILESTARI 20112506002 Language Teaching and Learning Evaluation Class Lecturer: Sofendi, M.A., Ph.D. Pascasarjana Language Study Program Sriwijaya University 2012 Evaluation Instruments: Questionnaires, Observation and Documentation 1. Introduction Evaluation comes from the word evaluate. To evaluate means to assess or appraise. Kiefer (1993) stated, “Evaluation is the process of examining a subject and rating it based on its important features”. It means evaluation in teaching and learning may seek answers of questions related to the process of education. Best and Kahn (1993:114) stated that evaluation is used to determine the effectiveness of a program and sometimes the organization. The function of evaluation in teaching and learning is to evaluate the weakness so that the process of teaching and learning will be better than before. In education we evaluate curriculum, materials and equipment, the environment, children’s behavior and teacher effectiveness. Evaluations monitor growth, progress, and planning of teaching and learning process. It provides information by which to rate performance, define areas of difficulty, and look for possible solutions. It also helps in goal setting. In addition, a good evaluation has some components to be considered for example; (a) Select who or what will be evaluated, (b) Have a clear purpose or motive, (c) Decide how data will be collected, (d) Know what you will use the information for, and (e) State goals clearly. Test is a small part of evaluation. There are three types of testing which have their own instruments to be used. The first type is testing knowledge. In this testing type, the evaluation instruments are multiple choice, true/false, matching items, short answer, essay questions and

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