Evaluate Sociologist's Views That There Has Been a Greater Shift Towards Equality in Modern Family Life

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Though total equality has not yet been achieved, there has definitely been a greater shift towards more equality in gender roles and within relationships. Some sociologists support this view where as some believe that there hasn't been a shift at all. In this essay, I am going to look at different studies done by multiple sociologists about the subject of equality in modern family life. Firstly, item 2B suggests that 'a number of changes have taken place in gender roles and relationships within families'. Some sociologists suggests that this change led to more equality in modern family life. However, not everyone agrees with this conclusion. Feminists are especially cautious about drawing this conclusion because they believe that there are still inequalities of power and control which persists in modern family relationships. In Talcott Parsons' 1955 functionalist model of the family, he suggests that in the traditional nuclear family, the roles of husbands and wives were naturally segregated(separate and distinct from one another). Women are naturally more suited to take on the expressive role which involves socialisation of the children and meet the family's emotional needs. She is the homemaker rather than a wage earner. Where as men are naturally more suited to take on the instrumental role which is geared towards achieving success at work so that he can provide for the family financially. He is the breadwinner. Parsons claim that this division of labour is beneficial to both men and women. Some conservative thinkers and politicians, known as the New Right, also hold this view. However one can argue that these ideas are invalid because Parsons' work was theoretical, not empirical therefor it cannot be applied to the general public. Also, his work was done in the 50's and can be considered as outdated therefor it has got bad temporal validity. Elizabeth
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