Evaluate Marxist Theories in Relation with Crime and Deviance

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Evaluate Marxist Theories in relation with Crime and Deviance Tradition Marxism is a structural theory, formed from the ideas of Karl Marx, who argued that society is capitalist and divided into two class; the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, which causes inequality in society. These ideas are often seen out outdated or too deterministic, Neo-Marxism have been developed under the influence of traditional Marxism and other approaches such as labelling theory and interactionalist. Firstly, traditional Marxists sees crime as having a function - it serves capitalism. Therefore, it is suggested that capitalism is criminogenic as crime is inevitable in a capitalist society. The working class may be more likely to commit crime than the middle class for reasons such as the means of survival in poverty or the alienation and lack of control they have on their lives leading to frustration and committing crime. The divide in class may been seen as the cause of this, along with the influence of the media, as working class individuals may wish to obtain the consumer goods seen advertised, however the only way of acquiring these products is through utilitarian crimes such as theft. Thus, Marxists strongly link capitalism and crime around the working class's inability to attain material wealth and the issues presented around that, such as envy and competition. Marxists, also criticise functionalists in terms of the state and law as they believe the law reflects the value consensus in society. Chambliss suggests that the law serves the interests of the capital class, consequently providing laws protecting private property leading to the continuation of the capitalist economy. Additionally, within the state there is selective enforcement. Marxists such as Reinman proclaim that all classes commit crime yet, more vulnerable or powerless groups such as ethnic minorities and

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