Evaluate Asthetic Notion in Bangladesh in Accordance to Fredric Jameson's "Postmodernism: Consumer Society

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Evaluate the notions of Aesthetics in consumer of Bangladesh. Write the answer based on notions of Jameson’s Aesthetics of Consumer Society. “… commodity production and in particular our clothing, furniture, buildings and other artifacts are now intimately tied in with styling changes which derive from artistic experimentation.” (Jameson). This is how postmodern art determines the living of standard, taste and judgment of living aesthetics. The socio-economic circumstance of consumers in Bangladesh provides varied notion of aesthetic according to their class, education and taste. But what take over all class in common are some unnecessary and unrealistic standards of living based on those aesthetic notion. Ultimately these standards of aesthetics contribute to the capitalist system and reduce the people to mere consumer unit. Crazy and rapid use of cell phone is inspired and powered by the weird advertisement of cell phone companies and operators. For example the commercial of Banglalink shows who talk more over cell phone is the smartest and happiest young people. Grameen phone djiuce created another standard, whoever uses this operator are coolest people with spiked hair and faded jeans, metal belts. Like Jameson mentioned “New types of consumption; planned obsolesce; an over rapid rhythm of fashion and styling changes”, this frenzy of consumption and styling and fashion is severally notable in Bangladesh now-a-days. The young and educated urban youth need to look ‘cool’ ‘awesome’ ‘wow”. They are investing a gradual part of their money and time after fashion and styling. Fashion in our country is mostly dominated by the TV serials, advertisement and some fashion houses. Some people go for anything they see on characterof TV serials, mostly Hindi. Dress named “maskkali” ”monpura” are direct products of it. For some certain so called educated people Araang,

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