European Colonialism Essay

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European colonialism in the Middle East left long lasting impact on the nations that it occupied. In this course we discussed two such impacts on the institutional and legal structures of the region. Write an essay outlining the arguments presented by the La Porta, López-de-Silanes, Shleifer and Vishny article and the Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson one. Your essay should clearly describe the mechanism through which colonialism affected the institutional and legal structure of the region. The Essay: First what are institutions? Institutions are the rule of the game. Then what helps form these intuitions? La Porta in his paper tries to find a linkage between different family laws and the effect on economic performance. Then he studies the relation between quality legal enforcement and economic performance. On the other hand, Acemoglu tries to argue that institutions affect economic performance not the other way around. He does that by introducing an exogenous factor (settler mortality), and studies the relation of it with both institutions and economic performance. However, this is an overview of the relation between these two topics and how they relate to the institutional and legal structures in general. Throughout this essay, I will attempt to explore more details, which support the arguments of both authors. Then I will conclude, giving my opinion on the arguments both present. In La porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer and Vishny article (Law and Finance), the author argues that legal structures have spread around the world through a combination of conquest, imperialism, outright borrowing and more subtle imitation. He says “Countries typically adopted their legal systems involuntarily”. The author then addresses that there isn’t a clear theoretical answer whether more restrictive rules are more protective of shareholders than the alternative of greater
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