Ethics Assignment on Fake Eggs

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Ethical issues found in article. The article that we are using for this assignment shows that fake eggs are invented and now sold in the market. The ingredients used to produce these fake eggs are all chemicals and can bring harm to consumers’ health. From the article, we can see that the eggshells, white and yolks are made from the different industrial and different commercial chemical including acid, potassium alum, gelatin, calcium carbonate. Many researchers from China has indicated that long-term consumption of this kind of fake eggs can lead to memory loss or dementia diseases that cannot be determined in this few years. Beside that, it is also a form of deception to the consumer that these fake eggs were sold as real eggs to them. People who produce these fake eggs are being dishonest and cheat the consumer by placing those fake eggs alongside with the real eggs in the market, giving consumers a vague thought of the fake eggs’ existence. Even if the consumers knew about the fake eggs’ existence, it is hard for them to differentiate between the physical appearance of real eggs and the fake eggs when they are doing their purchase in the market. This caused confusions and increases the feeling of insecure among the consumers. Moreover, these producers sacrifice others’ health to make profit, which is totally immoral to do so. They misuse their intelligence and creativity. Instead of inventing something which is more useful to human being, they invented fake edible products which would cause harm to human health. They put their wealth on first place in their mind which means it is more important than those basic moral values like integrity and respect. It is human nature that we do not bear to see other people suffer. But, they do not mind to harm the ones who do not have relationship with them or even the one who have relationship with them just to satisfy
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