Ethical Healthcare Issues Paper

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Ethical Healthcare Issues Paper These current healthcare issues that are affecting our society are blood transfusion, the ability to receive medical treatment. There are many ethical health care issues that are currently affecting our society. This issue affects our society because it enables patients to receive blood transfusions in many situations that can save lives. Therefore, many reasons behind blood transfusions performed for injury, major surgeries and related blood disorders. In this paper, we will discuss the importance of blood transfusion and reasons why it is a current ethical health care problem. There are four major ethic principles will be used to evaluate and apply reasons to this problem; autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficiene, and justice. Blood Transfusion According to Torphy & Lynm (2012), Blood transfusion is a medical treatment that replaces blood loss during serious injuries, surgery, disease, lack of blood due to blood disorders and illness. When blood that were donated and come from another person and use for transfusions. Patients who have illnesses and common blood disorders are highly recommended having blood transfusions to replace missing blood and to help treat the disease. However, Blood transfusion transfers 40,000 units of blood using blood transfusion daily (Torphy, & Lynm, 2012). Transfusions are very safe and often used. With blood transfusions, risks can occur when hemolytic transfusion reaction to blood given that is not compatible with the patient’s blood type (Torphy, & Lynm, 2012). Fever and chills could occur after receiving blood and immune response can occur as well. The procedure for doing a blood transfusion is providing in a step-by-step process. After blood is collect from a donor, blood is transferred to blood banks were screened for any infectious disease, blood type, counts, and any harmful reactions. Blood

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