Ethic 501 Essay

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ETH501 Normative Ethics: Utilitarianism and Deontology Case Assignment Module One Many of us wonder what would drive a manager, supervisor or CEO to make an immoral or unethical decision in their business practices. Some people may believe it’s because of money, greed or power. Most people using unethical practices would probably try to justify their actions by placing emphasis on the good that would come from their actions or what damage would be prevented as a result of their actions. According to a study, Why Managers Fail to Do the Right Thing: An Emperical Study of Unethical & Illegal Conduct, by N. Craig Smith, Sally Simpson & Chun-Yao Huang some people view the scandals of WorldCom, Enron and Tyco as a failure of moral an legal prohibitions. Others believe the long prison sentences for individuals involved in these fiascos are too severe for the crime they have committed. Ethical behavior is vital in the success of businesses. A writing in the ( defines business ethics as “principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business)”. Immoral behavior and unethical practices dissolves mutual trust in the business community. Ex-CEO of WorldCom, Bernard Ebbers was convicted by a federal grand jury on nine counts of conspiracy, securities fraud and false regulatory filings in an $11 billion accounting fraud at WorldCom leading to largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Mr. Ebbers’ only defense was that he was totally unaware of the fraudulent activities. Being in the position CEO in one of the largest companies in the world, he is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the company and his claim of ignorance to the actions the led to the demise of WorldCom makes him liable for the other directors in the company. Utilitarianism is defined as the act that promotes the greatest utility

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