Eth 125, Week One Race And Ethnicity

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Race is defined as a person or group of people who share a common set of obvious physical characteristics such as African Americans who’s skin color is the obvious physical trait of the group. There are many different ways to determine what is obvious but the largest determining factor in the United States is skin color. In other countries they may make distinctions between races by different characteristics such as facial features or hair texture. Ethnicity is harder to define than race it is a term that creates a group based on cultural patterns shared by that particular group. The ethnic patterns are generally developed in the group’s homeland and brought with them to new homelands. Cultural patterns such as language, food habits and observances are the main characteristics of an ethnic group. A less common example of a characteristic of an ethnic group is a shared or prolonged experience such as persecution of the group, as is the case for Jews. Physical appearance or traits may vary widely within one ethnic group. Another common trait of ethnic groups is that ethnic groups may congregate in large groups ,clubs which also may defione the group. Race and Ethnicity are important in the United States for many reasons one reason I see on a regular basis is within our government. Ethnic groups can have very different views on an issue such as immigration for example . Views on this topic generally, but not always, parallel what ethnic group a person belongs to. This is just one example within our country but there are also many other factors that make race and ethnicity important such as racism that may cause a negative impact on a group socially or
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