Essay on Sex Education

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BIOLOGICAL EDUCATION IS INEVITABLE For many years sex education has been a big issue in many developed countries.Is it really such a big issue? The answer is positive because it shapes the society we live in.So, if we want to be a civilized country, we must raise open-minded, well-informed and healthy teenagers. In order to create such a society we have to inform them about biology, human nature. For these, it is very important to have sex education in schools. To have sex education in schools make students be informed to avoid sexual diseases and unwanted pregnancies. One point is that students are taught how to use condoms.Teenagers are in danger of diseases which are infected by having sex and without condoms or any protection methods like protective drugs it is also possible to become pregnant. In 2009, Masland noted that ”approximately 65 percent of all sexually transmitted infections contracted by Americans this year will occur in people under 24. One in four new HIV infections occurs in people younger than 22” (par.7). According to Masland again, there’s a big truth: if there’s a big matter which is being debated on and on again, it shows that there’s something going wrong with same situation. And especially in America, she tells about the increasing percentages and the lack of sex education. Unwanted pregnancies are not only a teenager problem but also a problem of newly married. If they don’t have enough information about how to prevent pregnancy, they will have their first child before having their own house or even their own job which would make them unhappy, unsatisfied, and finally they may get a divorce. Sex education in schools make teenagers to get the correct information about sex. Because of the fact that the parents are very busy, they usually don’t pay enough time to inform and raise their children on sex. They don’t even realize
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