Essay On Robert Frost's Poem

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ENGLISH ESSAY “The full enjoyment of Frost’s poetry lies in unpeeling layer upon layer of meaning” and this can be clearly seen in the poems “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and “The Road Not Taken” written by Robert Frost. These poems are layered with surface meaning and deeper meaning and it requires the reader to contemplate Frost’s emotions behind the words. The surface meaning tells us what the poem is simply about. The deeper meaning shows Frost’s profound feelings through which he is conveying his message to the world. Some of the poetic techniques used by Robert Frost to convey his message are metaphor, alliteration, symbolism, imagery etc. On the surface of the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” it’s talking about a man travelling through snowy woods with his horse and they stop near someone’s house. The horse wants the man to continue but he wants to stay and admire the beauty of the nature. The deeper meaning in the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” tells us that the poet is drawn to the beauty and allure of the nature (snowy woods). Being in the woods causes the man to reflect on the larger tensions between duty; his “promises to keep” and the desire to do what he wants. The poet is thus faced with a choice of whether to give in to the beauty of nature (die peacefully), or remain in the realm of society. In the poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” the woods symbolise death. The woods in snow and death are both looked at as very cold miserable things. The poet reinforces the experience of death with strong, cold and dark images of death symbolised by “darkest evening” and “frozen lake”. The second stanza creates a sense of mystery. The poet stopped to admire the prettiness of nature. He is doing something out of habit. Onomatopoeia is used in the words “queer” and “harness bells a shake” which challenges the poet to
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