Essay On Internet Addiction

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The UK’s original provider of custom essays If you are using this resource in your work please remember to reference and cite the original work found here: Subject Area - Information Technology Internet Addiction 1. Introduction Internet has been the buzzword for the people around the world in the last decade. Very few people will disagree about the fact that everyone likes to do most of their activities in the most easiest and flexible way possible. Ease and Flexibility is what Internet has provided to the mankind irrespective of profession or leisure based activity. Today internet is widely used by the business world for conducting their daily chores and by individuals to interact, learn and relax. Almost everything can be done online even if it is not in its true physical sense. The multifaceted benefits of internet are so compelling that even governments are taking the initiative to include it in their national policymaking. There is absolutely no doubt in the authors mind that Internet does provide a lot of convenience to the society but is that all? In this report the author will elaborate the darker side of internet and its implications on the individuals and society on the whole. 2. Internet Addiction When the government starts actively promoting the use of internet nationwide, people ranging from every age group are bound to venture into the cyberspace. Many users utilize the perils of internet and use it for the right purpose only but others fall prey to the dark side of internet. These people who are lured into the dark work internet are usually categorized as Internet addicts. Addiction may be considered as the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something. In most cases it includes alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking,

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