Essay on Exotic Passion Fruit

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VALUE OF AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION IN MALI INTRODUCTION 80% of the population in Mali is Islamic and 1% is Christians. Islam has been dominating in Mali since the 18th century.Islam is still predominant in Mali in which it plays an important role in society and daily life. The ancient pre-Islamic religion was animist. In this paper, I will discuss a community in Mali who value traditions. The small group of people are known as the Dogon and Fulani. GOD Mali people are monotheistic and believe in one supreme God. One who is the creator of all things. ANCESTORS Ancestors are omnipresent in Malian culture. They are venerated with words, song and dance and evoked on a daily basis in the most ordinary of sentences or during the course of superb ceremonies. CREATION MYTH The Fulani creation myth provides a perfect example of how the peoples of Mali envision life and the creation of the human race. It defines the depth of African spiritual beliefs, so different from the Jewish creation myth of the Garden of Eden. The Jews had a tribal, patriarchal social structure dominated by men like Adam and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. West Africans had a matriarchal social structure that still infuses daily life and spirituality. In Africa, spirituality infuses the whole of life. There is no separate concept of ‘religion’, for spirituality is in everything and it comes from our Supreme Creator – Guéno Everything about Malian daily life and the relationships between people is rooted in spirituality. The Toucouleur are very conscious of their nomadic and Fulani origins. Their pride and wealth is stored in cattle. They are less mindful of the health and milk production of their animals, than of the size of their herd. Big men have big herds. There is prestige in numbers. Cows are naturally at the root of the creation myth of the Ba and Ka and the Tall. Guéno the Eternal first created the
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