Essay Of Foxtel Casestudy (Swot Analysis)

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Essay of Foxtel Casestudy (SWOT Analysis) First of all, this essay explains the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis) of Foxtel case-study of the book ………. Foxtel is an Australian pay television company, operating cable, direct broadcast satellite television and IPTV services. They cover over 100 TV channels for over 1.4 million subscribers on the Australian region. Foxtel was formed in 1995 through a joint venture established between Telstra and News Corporation. Although, they attract their customer with different advertisements after had along loss over 8 years. ("Foxtel delivers subscriber, profit and TV viewing share growth" (Press release). Foxtel. 20 February 2008. Retrieved 2008-02-22.) The major strengths of Foxtel are STRENGHTS The Foxtel has over 100 specialist channels for its subscribers. It has about 1.4million subscribers and thereby dominating the pay-television. Moreover, Foxtel sells its services to customers like motels and gyms ultimately reaching a number of clients of theirs. As a result, the advertisers are interested in using Foxtel since it has large market share and its services can be accessed in different places. Advertisers can target specific markets using pay-television. At the same time, the interactive services offered could also be a strength to Foxtel since it is not offered by free-to-air televisions. WEAKNESSES It has been noticed that Foxtel is slow in adopting new technologies and features to differentiate its service from competitors. For example, the high-definition channels and downloadable movies are also offered by free-to-air television and other companies not in television industry. OPPORTUNITIES The expected upgrade of interactive feature to full on-demand programming will help the Foxtel to differentiate its services and to attract more customers. In addition, the economic crisis

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