Erp Effects On Shell Productions

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INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT Q1 Prior to the introduction of Enterprise Resource Planning system to Shell Canada operations, the organizations’ business process was besieged with incessant “workflow hurdles”. The hierarchical set of activities and time taken to accomplish tasks such as processing the company contractors work orders was elongated and cumbersome. Implementation of the ERP system greatly improved business operations at Shell(operations range on a large scale globally, and span from manufacturing-oil well and mine activity to marketing and distribution) by refining some of the company’s hitherto very manual processes and integrating departments and functions throughout the organisation even across geographical and industrial “borders” into a single centralized IT system. Below is a summarized inexhaustible list of benefits that accrued to Shell Canada, on adoption of the ERP system: • Reduction in time taken for preparation, submission, review, approval and payment of numerous contractor invoices • Minimization or elimination of inevitable errors from repetitive and manual data entry • Re-allocation of large manpower hitherto used for daily processing of invoices. • Fostered relationship with contractors and other business partners. • Creation of an avenue (ability to attach photos and drawings) for more descriptive overview of work(s) done by contractors. • Easy access to information data base for Shell employees to conduct their daily operations. • The ERP system is user friendly. Easy to use. Q2 Humans have proven to be initially resistant to sudden changes. Training, in this case helped mitigate the resistance of Shell employees to reforms in their organisational procedures. It was vital in creating awareness on the benefits, uses and efficiencies the ERP system could add to the organisations
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