Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Theory

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As psychological research continues throughout the world, many theories are constructed based on hypotheses and different theories on how people learn, live, and grow. The disputes on these theories range about a vast number of entities of human development, but most of the arguments focus around the nature vs. nurture controversy. In this controversy, theorists believe that nature means “inborn biological givens—the hereditary information we receive from our parents at the moment of conception,” (7, Berk) and nurture means “the complex forces of the physical and social world that influence our biological makeup and psychological experiences before and after birth”. (7, Berk) Personally, I feel that this controversy should never have the word “versus” involved, because I feel that both nature and nurture play an integral role in human development. More specifically, I believe that Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory most adequately explains my beliefs and philosophy on how we, as humans, develop. When asked to illustrate my beliefs on this theory, I can only lucidly describe an example (or multiple) from my own life and experiences. I believe that biology and environment both play a somewhat equal role; one may be more pertinent in one stage of life than the other, and vice-versa. As a young child, I had always been labeled as the black sheep of my family; I always participated in activities which were inexplicably unique to my family. Coming from a long line of football players, I headlined the musicals and performed solos in seasonal choirs. Showing my possibility of being homosexual at a young age, I was able to pinpoint my beliefs on why I am gay. Personally, I believe that homosexually is a genetic issue (NOT a choice), which would clearly identify my beliefs towards biology. But, being gay and identifying myself and having to essentially live the

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